Just another New Zealand actor heading for Hollywood.

Friday, February 19, 2010

All hail Chipotle.

Is there anything better than waking up to the girl of your dreams next to you? I'm a happy man.
Oh, and I've just scored my first call back. The roller-coaster has just started its climb again.

I was very proud of myself getting to LAX on time to collect Serena curbside. Heading back home at 4pm was another matter. While we happily chatted and caught each other up the standstill traffic got the better of one delightful gentleman who proceeded to ram his huge urban tractor into another guys car. I never saw what started it, but after the dude leapt from his car shouting I thought he might have designs on finishing it. Serena and I both confessed to each other later we were both hoping like hell he didn't have a gun in his glove compartment, but also secretly were. However it did mean I could say "Welcome to L.A baby" and feel all cool.

That night I went for Mexican take-out. All hail Chipotle. Their Guacamole is made fresh 3 times a day, corn chips made fresh on-site and a meal that will provide enough for lunch the next day as well, all for under $10. Like most takeaways in L.A there is a full blow-by-blow calorie count on the menu too. It was while chowing down on Chipotle and watching American t.v (which as Serena pointed out is at once entirely familiar) my manager, her second and assistant all rang me for a congratulatory conference call. I have a call-back for the Indie Film. What this means is the Casting Director liked my tape enough to pass it on to the director who liked it enough to want to see me do it in person, meet me and work out whether I'm his guy. I proceeded to get all business about what I do now but Lena was adamant I take a moment to have a toast and enjoy getting my first call back "because it will never be as sweet as the first time." I like her style. I managed to feel great about it for at least 10 minutes or so before worrying again. The call back is Monday. I'll let you know.

Having Serena here means running again. Damn her fitness and self discipline. As always I feel a million times better for having done it though and it gets me out of my head. We managed a food shop at Wholefoods and a walk around the famous Farmers Markets and The Grove which was plenty for today thanks. Bought a bottle of Santa Barbara Pinot Noir and they'll have to do better than that one to come close to a Rabbit Ranch thankyou very much. Much sweeter. Like everything here.

I met a lawyer on the 25th floor of a skyscraper today. She had to take a call from her lawyer during the meeting. "Your lawyer? Must be a tough gig for him." "I'm in the middle of a divorce." "Oh. I'm sorry. Well, you two must be a formidable opposition." "My husbands a lawyer too." "Right." "Pretty L.A huh?"
On the ground floor they drove my car back to me and I gave them my validated parking ticket and went on my way a few steps closer to being able to legally work in America. It's costly, and going to take a bit of organization.

My housemate was going out tonight. Serena politely asked in her Nuw Zild accent if she "was off out?" "I'm all fat?" Asked my slightly incredulous housemate. What followed was a painfully funny scene that could have come right out of Flight of the Conchords as Serena attempted to ford the waters between our accents and cultures to some mutual understanding. I was still laughing at the idea of my girlfriend, upon seeing my new housemate dressed up and off out for the night say "you're all fat." Funny too, because it's the kind of thing Serena might actually think but never dare say.


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