Just another New Zealand actor heading for Hollywood.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Meeting Oscar

Apparently there are quite a few Oscars floating around Wellington but last night was the first chance I've had to get my hands on one. It was awarded for Visual Effects and if you've seen What Dreams May Come you'll know its owner fully deserved it. More on that later.

In between trying not to stress about my call-back and running round and around La Cienega park I've managed to turn in some good tourist time in L.A. Serena and I walked Runyon Canyon, dodging all manner of dog life and seeing our first snake! (about 30cm, no need for panic.) Runyon offers some pretty spectacular views over Los Angeles and is kinda like Mt Eden is to Aucklanders, if Aucklanders all wore basketball shorts and had dogs. We hit Hollywood Boulevard for a dose of tinsletown tackiness, with the Ripleys Believe it or Not Museum surely being the fake plastic jewel in Hollywoods 99c Tiara. Apparently Ripley was a bit of a dude who got around however so hats off to him, but I'd probably give it a miss if I was you. Favorite exhibit was a tie between the human hair lingerie and the two way mirror where you can watch suckers trying to see if they can curl their tongues.

Last night Serena and I headed an hour out of L.A into the Santa Monica mountains with her old friend from Uni to a Black and White Party. We took black figs and feta and I busted out my Chuck Taylors. The house belonged to said Oscar winner and was nestled in the mountains at the end of a long tree-lined cobblestone drive. Walk through the big oak gates, past the fire pit, spa, pool, pool house, cactus garden ... you get the idea. Beautiful place. We drank and nibbled, posed for photos with Oscar and sat down for a table banquet with 30 other people. It was a 32nd birthday. Having us two there made it 32 people. It was meant to be. Later we played the 'guess who I am without saying the actual name' game. Tough game for the out of towners. I'd certainly never heard of this guy The Situation who's named himself that after his own ab's. It was a fun night for all, including this sober driver. One of the lovely hosts is going to bring Serena's bag back into town tonight even. (Serena had quite a good time too.)

Call back audition today could have gone a lot better. Nothing like a second shot at something to really up the chances of cocking it up. The director was there this time. This being a small Indie film it was still pretty low key but his attempts to get me to lighten it up failed I fear in the face of my super-intense trying real hard acting. Great to blow it away after with a walk from Venice Beach to Santa Monica Pier and back with Serena afterwards. She'd been dozing in the car sleeping off all the fun from last night. Venice Beach put on a show to match my first visit, complete with man-in-rug self-blindfolded running around sidewalk like a, well, a nutter and some guy in a pool of blood surrounded by people with a pretty mean looking head wound. No idea how that one will turn out. Best of luck mate. Lunch-time entertainment included an amazing pianist on the sidewalk who got a tip from me for playing an amazing piano version of The Godfather theme. That's crazy rug man doing leg exercises beside him.

Preparations are under way for tonight's adventures. We will be continuing the theme of All things Tacky and dining at the Saddle Ranch Chop House on Sunset Boulevard where you get a free steak if you can stay on the mechanical bull for an alloted time. Rumor has it you get a free drink if you do it in your bra too, though I doubt Serena will be up for that one. After dinner we're heading over to The House of Blues to see Steel Panther. T.H.O.B is being torn down this year and is a real institution. It looks like a tornado has picked it up from a swamp in New Orleans and dropped its sorry corrugated iron ass on Sunset Boulevard. Steel Panther are a big, glam rock metal band in the tradition of Spinal Tap. They play every monday night. Chicks get their boobs out at these gigs. Though once I again I doubt if Serena ... well, one can only try.

Auditioning for my first vampire on wednesday. Surprised it's taken so long. Skinny, pale intense actor that I am. I'll keep you posted. Of course.


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