Just another New Zealand actor heading for Hollywood.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Forward Momentum

Well it's been a quiet week. Too quiet.
After the initial flurry of excitement and activity in week 1, week 2 has ground to a halt. Not an audition in sight, manager not answering my calls and it rained for two days. And so it turns out being an unemployed actor in L.A turns is just like being an unemployed actor anywhere. Empty days stretching out in front of you, texting people for coffee and the inevitable psychological battle to remain positive in the face of downward spiraling hope. I have given myself the odd talking to and worked on my accent, done some exercise and even considered writing again. However none of that helps one feel like they have any kind of forward momentum. On the plus side I am catching up on a lot of films from the lap-top.
The monotony of the week was broken up yesterday by a photo shoot for some new headshots. (See new profile pic)
These were taken by Deidhre Fahey in Valley Village in the most amazing house where she lives and works. It smelt of maple syrup. Deidrhe has platinum blonde hair, is around 60 and a native californian. She ditched her boyfriend in her 30's because of one phone call from her high school sweetheart and 'soul-mate' Mike. That was him out the front raking leaves. They've been together ever since. She was telling me all this to try and get me to RELAX as I apparently looked mildly terrified in every shot. It's true. Most of them look like I'm either going to cry or I'm just looking forward to getting out of there. Both of which are also true. She was great though. And I did get some okay shots I can use. Spending your career learning to NOT look down the lens and pretending to be other people makes it difficult when asked to stare down the barrel and just 'be yourself'. But like she said, we can fix pimples, the odd hair, change the color of your clothes and skin tone in the lab but what we can't do is give you a personality. A good photographer can help a subject reveal theirs. I'm glad that's over. We'll see what the manager says...

The coffees and drinks with ex-pat Kiwis begin today. Looking forward to some company. I'm meeting a Kiwi actor who's done very well for herself over here on Friday so looking forward to hearing her war stories. Serena comes over next week giving me the perfect excuse to be a tourist. Look out Disneyland, The Lakers and Vegas! I have an audition for a small Indie film on monday, which given my FIlmography may be right up my alley. Though, surprise surprise, the character is a cop. I have at least three cops in my family that I can think of, so the potential should be in there somewhere. Somewhere ...

Righto off to trendy West Hollywood cafe Urth for coffee with a Kiwi.


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